Video Conferencing Evaluation Considering Scalable Video Coding and SDN Network
Availability, Capacity Oriented Availability, Cloud Computing, Analytical modelingAbstract
Video conferencing is very common nowadays, and it may contemplate heterogenous devices (e.g., smartphones, notebooks, game consoles) and networks in the same session. Developing video conferencing systems for this myriad of devices with different capabilities requires special attention from system designer. Scalable video coding (SVC) is a prominent option to mitigate this heterogeneity issue, but traditional Internet protocol (IP) networks may not fully benefit from such a technology. In contrast, software-defined networking (SDN) may allow better utilization of SVC and improvements on video conferencing components. This paper evaluates the performance of video conferencing systems adopting SVC, SDN and ordinary IP networks, taking into account throughput, delay and peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) as the metrics of interest. The experiments are based on Mininet framework and distinct network infrastructures are also considered. Results indicate SDN with SVC may deliver better video quality with reduced delay and increased throughput.
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