Polarity graphs revisited


  • Martin Bachratý Comenius University, Slovakia
  • Jozef Širáň The Open University, United Kingdom and Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia




Graph, polarity graph, degree, diameter, automorphism, group, vertex-transitive graph, Cayley graph.


Polarity graphs, also known as Brown graphs, and their minor modifications are the largest currently known graphs of diameter 2 and a given maximum degree d such that d − 1 is a prime power larger than 5. In view of the recent interest in the degree-diameter problem restricted to vertex-transitive and Cayley graphs we investigate ways of turning the (non-regular) polarity graphs to large vertex-transitive graphs of diameter 2 and given degree.

We review certain properties of polarity graphs, giving new and shorter proofs. Then we show that polarity graphs of maximum even degree d cannot be spanning subgraphs of vertex-transitive graphs of degree at most d + 2. If d − 1 is a power of 2, there are two large vertex-transitive induced subgraphs of the corresponding polarity graph, one of degree d − 1 and the other of degree d − 2. We show that the subgraphs of degree d − 1 cannot be extended to vertex-transitive graphs of diameter 2 by adding a relatively small non-edge orbital. On the positive side, we prove that the subgraphs of degree d − 2 can be extended to the largest currently known Cayley graphs of given degree and diameter 2 found by Šiagiová and the second author [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 102 (2012), 470–473].





Special Issue in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Professor Dragan Marušič