and super-fidelity as bounds for quantum fidelity
A. Miszczak, Zbigniew Puchala, Pawel Horodecki, Armin Uhlmann, and Karol
Abstracts: We derive several bounds on
fidelity between quantum states. In particular we show that fidelity is
bounded from above by a simple to compute quantity we call
super–fidelity. It is analogous to another quantity called sub–fidelity.
For any two states of a two– dimensional quantum system (N = 2) all
three quantities coincide. We demonstrate that sub– and super–fidelity
are concave functions. We also show that super–fidelity is
super–multiplicative while sub–fidelity is sub–multiplicative and design
feasible schemes to measure these quantities in an experiment.
Super–fidelity can be used to define a distance between quantum states.
With respect to this metric the set of quantum states forms a part of a
N^2 − 1 dimensional hypersphere.
Key words:
quantum fidelity, quantum states, Bures distance,
distances in state space |