Perturbative gadgets without strong interactions
Cao and Daniel Nagaj
Perturbative gadgets are used to construct a quantum
Hamiltonian whose low-energy subspace approximates a given quantum
k-local Hamiltonian up to an absolute error . Typically, gadget
constructions involve terms with large interaction strengths of order
poly(−1 ). Here we present a 2-body gadget construction and prove that
it approximates a Hamiltonian of interaction strength γ = O(1) up to
absolute error γ using interactions of strength O() instead of the
usual inverse polynomial in . A key component in our proof is a new
condition for the convergence of the perturbation series, allowing our
gadget construction to be applied in parallel on multiple many-body
terms. We also discuss how to apply this gadget construction for
approximating 3- and k-local Hamiltonians. The price we pay for using
much weaker interactions is a large overhead in the number of ancillary
qubits, and the number of interaction terms per particle, both of which
scale as O(poly(−1 )). Our strong-from-weak gadgets have their primary
application in complexity theory (QMA hardness of restricted
Hamiltonians, a generalized area law counterexample, gap amplification),
but could also motivate practical implementations with several weak
interactions simulating a much stronger quantum many-body interaction.
Key words:
local Hamiltonian, perturbation
theory, quantum complexity |