Overexpression of YAP and TAZ Is an Independent Predictor of Prognosis in Colorectal Cancer and Related to the Proliferation and Metastasis of Colon Cancer Cells
Figure 5
Effect of YAP and TAZ expression on the migration and invasion of HCT116 colon cancer cells.
(A) Representative images (×10) of migration assays of HCT116 cells with normal levels of YAP and TAZ expression (parental and si-Con); cells with suppressed levels of YAP or TAZ expression (si-YAP or si-TAZ); and cells with suppressed YAP and TAZ expression (si-YAP-TAZ). (B) Mean number of cells from the five independent migration assays described in previously. (C) Invasion assay of parental HCT116 cells; si-Con cells; si-YAP; si-TAZ; and si-YAP-TAZ cells in modified Boyden chambers with Matrigel-coated membranes. After 24 h, invasive cells that had moved through the Matrigel membrane were stained and counted under a microscope at ×10 magnification. (D) Graphical representation of invasive cells calculated as mean value ± SD from five fields. These show statistically significantly reduced migration in both YAP and TAZ siRNA transfected cells compared to control cells; the effect is greatest in the group transfected with both YAP and TAZ. [Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences in YAP or TAZ siRNA transfected cells vs. si-Con or parental cells, (*, P<0.05; **, P<0.01).].