The Roles of Parathyroid Hormone-Like Hormone during Mouse Preimplantation Embryonic Development
Figure 4
The effects of Pthlh siRNA injection on OCT4 and NANOG expression in mouse morula stage embryos.
A) Staining pattern of OCT4 in the uninjected (a-a’), the control siRNA-injected (b-b’) and the Pthlh siRNA-injected (c-c’) embryos; B) Staining pattern of NANOG in the uninjected (a-a’), the control siRNA-injected (b-b’) and the Pthlh siRNA-injected (c-c’) embryos; C) Quantification of OCT4/DNA signal intensity in the Pthlh siRNA-injected and the control embryos (n = 14); D) Quantification of NANOG/DNA signal intensity in the Pthlh siRNA-injected and the control embryos (n = 13). OCT4/NANOG, green; DNA, blue. Bar = 20 µm. Data are presented as means ± SEM. *P<0.01.