Chimpanzee Vocal Signaling Points to a Multimodal Origin of Human Language
Figure 2
Individual standardized mean metabolic activity for COM and RES conditions.
Paired voxel-wise comparisons of the mean metabolic activity in the COM and RES conditions indicated significantly greater activation in the previously identified cluster during COM vs. RES for those subjects that produced AG sounds (AG+) [S1 and S2; t(33) = 5.70, p<001, t(34) = 9.35, p<001, respectively] but not for those that did not produce AG sounds (AG-) [S3 and S4; t(34) = −1.96, p = 06, t(37) = −5.81, p<001, respectively]. Note that for S4 the metabolic activity was actually significantly greater in the RES condition as compared to the COM.