Inhibition of StearoylCoA Desaturase-1 Inactivates Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase and Impairs Proliferation in Cancer Cells: Role of AMPK
Figure 7
Inhibition of AMPK further reduces cellular proliferation in cells with a blockade in SCD1.
A, control and SCD1-deficient A549 cells were incubated with compound C (20 µM), AICAR (0.25 mM) or vehicle for 24 h and the levels of phospho-ACC (Ser79) were estimated by Western Blot. Protein bands were quantified by densitometric analysis and normalized to β-actin content. hSCDas and mock-transfected control cells (B), or CVT-11127-treated (CVT) H1299 (C) and A549 (D) cells were treated with Compound C, AICAR or vehicle and pulsed with [3H]thymidine for 2 h. The radiolabeled DNA was quantified as described in Materials and methods. Results are expressed as fold-change in total [3H]DNA levels over vehicle-treated control. Values represent the mean±S.D. of triplicate determinations. *, p<0.05 vs DMSO under the same conditions; #, p<0.05 vs CVT treated cells incubated with vehicle by Student's t test.