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The Canadian Journal of Sociology 30.4 (2005) iii-v

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Author Index/Index des auteurs, Volume 30

Adams, Tracey L.
Feminization of Professions: The Case of Women in Dentistry, 71–94

Baer, Doug
On the Crisis in Canadian Sociology: Comment on McLaughlin, 491–502

Brym, Robert J.

In Faint Praise of the World Bank's Gender Development Policy, 95–111

Cormier, Jeffrey J.
The Canadianization Movement in Context, 351–370

Corra, Mamadi
Separation and Exclusion: Distinctly Modern Conditions of Power?, 41–70

Curtis, Bruce, and Lorna Weir
Crisis Talk: Comments on McLaughlin's 'Canada's Impossible Science,' 503–511

Dallaire, Christine and Claude Denis
Asymmetrical Hybridities: Youths at Francophone Games in Canada, 143–168

Denis, Claude, see Dallaire, Christine

Etzioni, Amitai
Response to Simon Prideaux's "From Organisational Theory to the New Communitarianism of Amitai Etzioni", 215–217

Fuller, Sylvia
Public Sector Employment and Gender Wage Inequalities in British Columbia: Assessing the Effects of a Shrinking Public Sector, 405–440

Gazso, Amber, see Haggerty Kevin D. [End Page iii]

Grabb, Ed
For Jim: A Tribute to James Ensign Curtis, 391–403

Haggerty, Kevin D. and Amber Gazso
Seeing Beyond the Ruins: Surveillance as a Response to Terrorist Threats, 169–187

House, J. D.
Change from Within the Corridors of Power: A Reflective Essay of a Sociologist in Government, 471–490

Johnston, Josée
The "Second Shift" of Canadian Sociology: Setting Sociological Standards in a Global Era, 513–527

Lehmann, Wolfgang
Choosing to Labour: Structure and Agency in School-Work Transitions, 325–350

McLaughlin, Neil
Canada's Impossible Science: Historical and Institutional Origins of the Coming Crisis in Anglo-Canadian Sociology, 1–40

Murphy, Raymond
Prejudice and Pride: A Commentary on "Canada's Impossible Science," 529– 532

Ogmundson, Richard
Does it Matter if Women, Minorities and Gays Govern?: New Data Concerning an Old Question, 315–324

Pinard, Maurice
Political Ambivalence towards the Parti Québécois and its Electoral Consequences, 1970–2003, 281–314

Simpson, John H.
Comment on "Canada's Impossible Science: Historical and Institutional Origins of the Coming Crisis in Anglo-Canadian Sociology," 113–115

Sydie, R. A.
Response to Neil McLaughlin's "Canada's Impossible Science," 533–536 [End Page iv]

Veenstra, Gerry
Can Taste Illumine Class? Cultural Knowledge Forms of Inequality, 247–279

Walby, Kevin
How Closed-Circuit Television Surveillance Organizes the Social: An Institutional Ethnography, 189–214

Wanner, Richard A.
Twentieth-Century Trends in Occupational Attainment in Canada, 441–469

Weiming, Tu
Intellectuals in a World Made of Knowledge, 219–226

Weir, Lorna, see Curtis, Bruce

White, Melanie
On the Recent Apocalyptic Tone Adopted in Canadian Sociology, 537–544


