prostate cancer, mCRPC, boosting, survival analysis
prostate cancer, mCRPC, boosting, survival analysis
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer according to the World Cancer Report 20141. Hence it is one of the most studied cancer types with focus on diagnosis and prognosis. A major cause of death among prostate cancer patients is the development of metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC), which is both a persistent as well as progressing disease resistant to androgen deprivation therapy2.
In order to boost research regarding prostate cancer, a crowdsourced competition was designed by the Dialogue for Reverse Engineering Assessments and Methods (DREAM) Consortium in collaboration with Project Data Sphere LLC (PDS) to improve prognostic models of mCRPC. Using data from four phase III clinical trials available through PDS, two main sub-challenges were designed. Sub-challenge 1 was aimed at improving prediction of survival risk for mCRPC patients, whereas Sub-challenge 2 was intended to predict adverse events in patients treated with docetaxel, the standard of care for mCRPC patients at the time of the trials. This paper presents the model developed by the team TYTDreamChallenge in Sub-challenge 1 to predict survival risk scores for mCRPC at 12, 18, 24 and 30-months after diagnosis based on clinical features of each patient, as well as some post-challenge analysis to improve our initial model.
Various prognostic models for mCRPC have been previously developed3–6. Recently, Halabi et al. developed a prognostic model for mCRPC using eight clinical features (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG), disease site, lactate dehydrogenase, opioid analgesic use, albumin, hemoglobin, prostate-specific antigen, and alkaline phosphatase) and validated it on an external dataset6. The aim of the Prostate Cancer DREAM Challenge was to develop and validate new prognostic models that improve on this current gold-standard Halabi model6.
In this paper an implementation of generalized boosted models in the form of an R7 package named gbm (generalized boosted regression models) was used to predict overall survival of mCRPC patients using a Cox proportional hazard model as the underlying regression model8. This package is an extension to Freund and Schapire's AdaBoost algorithm9 and Friedman's gradient boosting machine10. In general, boosting is a concept in supervised machine learning with the goal of generating multiple relatively weak learner models, each of which individually works slightly better than random guess, and use them all in corporation to have a highly accurate overall model11.
The methodology used by our team consisted of two major steps12. The first step was data preparation in which some features were removed from the study due to missing values, high correlations with other features or being unimportant for such survival analysis as determined by clinical experts. The second step was model building utilizing generalized boosted models.
The data used in this study was collected from mCRPC patients by four institutes. The datasets were based on a cancer treatment trial in which patients received docetaxel treatment. Details of the four trials are shown in Table 1. In the Prostate Cancer DREAM Challenge three (ASCENT-213, MAINSAIL14 and VENICE15) out of the four datasets were available as training sets. The remaining dataset (ENTHUSE-3316) was used for validation by the DREAM Challenge organizers without releasing the survival data to the participants of the competition. All the data were gathered into five major tables (Supplementary Table 1). Additionally, a sixth table, called CoreTable, was provided by the challenge organizers. The CoreTable is a collection of features from the other five tables that summarized the baseline (day 0) values. The clinical features in CoreTable contain treatment variables, cancer staging based on AJCC17, Gleason Score18, ECOG Performance Status9 and lesion details. This table was curated by challenge organizers and was considered as the main table of this challenge.
Data Provider | ID | Number of patients | Reference |
Novacea, provided by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center | ASCENT-2 | 476 | Scher et al.13 |
Celgene | MAINSAIL | 526 | Petrylak et al.14 |
Sanofi | VENICE | 598 | Tannock et al.15 |
AstraZeneca | ENTHUSE-33 | 470 | Fizazi et al.16 |
Out of all the data provided by the Prostate Cancer DREAM Challenge organizers (Supplementary Table 1), we focused on the CoreTable and LabValue tables to form the training and validation datasets. The LabValue table is an event level longitudinal data table which contains all the lab tests performed along with the sampling date and reference range of each lab test. The CoreTable consists of 131 features, of which two are for identification, five are dependent variables and 124 are independent variables. The two dependent variables we used in this study were DEATH and LKADT_P (time to event). The former indicates the death status of a patient and has value “YES” for patients who have died from mCRPC and value “NO” otherwise. The latter is the last day that the patient was known to be alive. Additionally, we processed and extracted further information from the LabValue table to complement the CoreTable.
The full set of Challenge data is available under the standard Synapse Terms and Conditions of Use and the Prostate Cancer DREAM Challenge Rules and can be downloaded from Synapse web interface. The links and authentication information are available in the following URL:
Processing of the laboratory values (table LabValue) consisted of a sequence of actions. First, it was observed that there were some duplicate rows in the data; hence 2545 rows were removed. Secondly, based on consultation with oncologists, rows with measurements of 13 important lab tests were extracted, including ALT, AST, ALP, LDH, MG, PHOS, ALB, TPRO, PSA, HB, WBC, NEU and LYM (Table 2). After this step, the number of rows left in the data was 80744. Thirdly, we removed 603 rows marked with “NOT DONE” status in the LBSTAT column, which specifies completion status of the lab test, and with missing value in their LBSTRESC column, which contains standardized format of the test results. Finally, only the 17015 baseline measurements from the 1599 patients were kept in the study, while removing the other follow-up measurements over time as they were unavailable in the validation data. During the steps explained above, one patient (ASC-518-0003) was completely removed from the analysis because of having “NOT DONE” status in all of the important lab tests including ALT, AST, ALP and LDH.
The measurement values for all lab tests, except PSA, were standardized based on their minimum and maximum ranges as
where x is the observed value of the lab test and β and α are the corresponding upper and lower limit of the reference range. The standardized values are between -1 and 1 if the lab test value is within the normal range. The PSA values were only log2 transformed and the issue of log20 was bypassed by adding e-4 to the values before log2 transformation. The ALP and NEU values were truncated to 10 and 5, respectively. Finally, HB values and log2 transformed AST values were copied from the CoreTable, since these two features contained numerous missing values in the LabValue table.
In the validation dataset, there were two patients (AZ-00131 and AZ-00383) that had no records in the LabValue table nor in the CoreTable. To predict their survival using the laboratory values, we extracted medians of those 13 features across all patients and used them for these two patients.
In addition to lab measurements, we considered some additional features from the CoreTable. These included ECOG_C and ANALGESICS as well as four derived features that were summarized to reduce the variation and existing noise in the data. These included LESIONS, DRUGS, DISEASES and PROCEDURES, which were defined as arithmetic sums of the numbers of lesions, medicines, diseases or medical operations, respectively. LKADT_P and DEATH were also directly adopted from CoreTable, which denote the survival time and survival event respectively.
As the final step in pre-processing, the resulting training and validation datasets were checked for features having large proportions of missing values or having missing values for a particular data provider. The missingness in data is shown in Supplementary Figure 1A. Based on this, seven features including MG, ALB, TPRO, LYM, PHOS, LDH and ALT were excluded from the training and validation sets. Additionally, to minimize the number of highly correlated features in the training data, we further removed the feature WBC, which showed high correlation with NEU (Supplementary Figure 1B).
At the end of the pre-processing, the training set consisted of 1599 patients and validation set of 313 patients. Both datasets had 15 features out of which two were for identification, two were response features and the other 11 were independent predictor variables.
To develop a model of overall survival in mCRPC, we utilized a gradient boosting algorithm based on regression trees, with a Cox proportional hazard model as the underlying regression model. The R package gbm20 was used with 5000 trees, 10 fold cross-validation, minimum 3 observations in the trees’ terminal nodes and step-size reduction value of 0.007.
In the DREAM Challenge competition, we submitted a separate risk score for each patient in 12, 18, 24 and 30 months. For 18, 24 and 30 months, modeling was done individually for each data provider, and the mean of the three individual risk score predictions was then calculated as the final risk score at each time point. For 12 months survival, all the training data were used to create a single model and a risk score prediction. After the challenge, we also tested the performance of the models when determining only a single overall risk score for each patient. For this purpose, two strategies were considered for the post-challenge analysis: 1) average of risk scores obtained separately for each data provider (referred to as PostSeparate), or 2) a single risk score obtained by combining data from all the providers in the modelling (referred to as PostCombined).
The performance of the predictions was measured using the integrated area under the ROC curve (iAUC) from 6 to 30 months, as well as separate AUC values at 12, 18, and 24 months. The iAUC was calculated using the R package timeROC (version 0.3)21. The performance measures were obtained from blinded validation by the DREAM organizers.
The performance of the TYTDreamChallenge model (iAUC=0.748) was significantly better than random. However, it did not perform statistically significantly better than the gold-standard Halabi model (iAUC=0.743, Bayes factor < 3), as determined by the DREAM organizers22.
To further investigate the possibility to improve our model after the challenge, we considered in our post-challenge analysis the impact of calculating an overall risk score instead of our original strategy of having separate scores for the different time points. Interestingly, this had a marked effect on the performance of our model (Figure 1). When the average model across the different data providers was considered, the iAUC improved to 0.757 (model PostSeparate). When all the data were used together for model building, the iAUC increased further to 0.777 (model PostCombined).
Next, we examined the relative importance of the different features on the predictions in the PostCombined model, as determined by the boosting algorithm (Figure 2A). As expected, many of the features used in the Halabi model had high importance also in our model (PSA, ALP, HB). However, additional features were found (AST, NEU). On the other hand, ECOG_C was not as important in our model as it was in the Halabi model. We also tested the effect of removing one variable at a time when building the model (Figure 2B). This supported further the importance of ALP, HB, AST, PSA and LESIONS, whereas the removal of NEU actually improved the performance further (iAUC=0.780). Removal of PROCEDURES, ANALGESICS, ECOG_C, DISEASES or DRUGS did not have a marked impact on the performance.
Finally, we applied the same boosting strategy to build a model using only five features ALP, HB, LESIONS, AST and PSA (Figure 3A; referred to as PostFive). Notably, the performance in the validation data did not decrease markedly from that with a larger set of features (iAUC=0.779). Among the features, PSA and ALP had the largest relative importance in predicting the survival, whereas LESIONS had the lowest relative importance (Figure 3B). To assist in understanding the contribution of the identified features, partial dependence plots were examined, which illustrate the partial dependence of the risk scores on each feature after accounting for the effects of the other features. This suggested intuitive interpretations for the different features (Figure 3C). Similarly as in the Halabi model, the risk increases with high values of PSA and ALP, high numbers of LESIONS, and low values of HB6. Additionally, our model suggests that high values of AST increase the risk. These findings are well in line with the general hypothesis that these factors are basic values representing the volume of the disease.
Taken together, based on the blindly validated submissions it can be concluded that the proposed post-challenge model in this paper (PostCombined) is markedly better than the gold-standard Halabi model. The post-challenge analysis revealed that a single overall risk score performs better than our original strategy of time-specific risk scores by better targeting the overall survival patterns of patients. A model based on only five features ALP, HB, AST, PSA and LESIONS produced a relatively high accuracy compared to the Halabi model with eight features or the model of the winning team involving a large number of features and their interactions. Thus the five feature model presented here provides an efficient option in terms of practical clinical use.
The present study focused on clinical features only. Additional possibilities to improve the performance of the models would be to add molecular level information, such as gene expression data, to training and test sets.
The Challenge datasets can be accessed at:
Challenge documentation, including the detailed description of the Challenge design, overall results, scoring scripts, and the clinical trials data dictionary can be found at:
The code and documentation underlying the method presented in this paper can be found at:
The latest source code is available at:
MM participated in the pre-processing of the data, performed all the post-challenge analyses and drafted the manuscript. FS pre-processed the data and developed the TYTDreamChallenge model. LK, OH and SJ participated in the pre-processing and provided the clinical insights. LLE designed and supervised the study, participated in the analyses and drafted the manuscript.
This work was supported by the Sigrid Juselius Foundation (to L.L.E) and the University of Turku Graduate School (to F.S).
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
This publication is based on research using information obtained from, which is maintained by Project Data Sphere, LLC. Neither Project Data Sphere, LLC nor the owner(s) of any information from the web site have contributed to, approved or are in any way responsible for the contents of this publication.
We would also thank the Sage Bionetworks, the DREAM organization, and Project Data Sphere for developing and supplying data for the Challenge.
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1. Castro-Mesta J, González-Guerrero J, Barrios-Sánchez P, Villarreal-Cavazos G: Bases and foundations of the treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis: Review article. Medicina Universitaria. 2016; 18 (71): 98-104 Publisher Full TextCompeting Interests: No competing interests were disclosed.
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