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Enhancing Testing at Meta with Rich-State Simulated Populations

Published: 31 May 2024 Publication History


This paper reports the results of the deployment of Rich-State Simulated Populations at Meta for both automated and manual testing. We use simulated users (aka test users) to mimic user interactions and acquire state in much the same way that real user accounts acquire state. For automated testing, we present empirical results from deployment on the Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram apps for iOS and Android Platforms. These apps consist of tens of millions of lines of code, communicating with hundreds of millions of lines of backend code, and are used by over 2 billion people every day. Our results reveal that rich state increases average code coverage by 38%, and endpoint coverage by 61%. More importantly, it also yields an average increase of 115% in the faults found by automated testing. The rich-state test user populations are also deployed in a (continually evolving) Test Universe; a web-enabled simulation platform for privacy-safe manual testing, which has been used by over 21,000 Meta engineers since its deployment in November 2022.


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  • (2024)Automated End-to-End Dynamic Taint Analysis for WhatsAppCompanion Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering10.1145/3663529.3663824(21-26)Online publication date: 10-Jul-2024



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ICSE-SEIP '24: Proceedings of the 46th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice
April 2024
480 pages
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  • Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 31 May 2024

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  2. cyber cyber digital twins
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  4. machine learning


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  • (2024)Automated End-to-End Dynamic Taint Analysis for WhatsAppCompanion Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering10.1145/3663529.3663824(21-26)Online publication date: 10-Jul-2024

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