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View all- Buzzard K(2024)Mathematical reasoning and the computerBulletin of the American Mathematical Society10.1090/bull/183361:2(211-224)Online publication date: 15-Feb-2024
A surprising result of Pitts (1992) says that propositional quantifiers are definable internally in intuitionistic propositional logic (IPC). The main contribution of this paper is to provide a formalization of Pitts’ result in the Coq proof assistant,...
We describe generic methods for reasoning about multiset-based sequent calculi which allow us to combine shallow and deep embeddings as desired. Our methods are modular, permit explicit structural rules, and are widely applicable to many sequent systems,...
We present an Isabelle/HOL formalization of Simple Clause Learning for first-order logic without equality: SCL(FOL). The main results are formal proofs of soundness, non-redundancy of learned clauses, termination, and refutational completeness. ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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