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Pervasive Chatbots: Investigating Chatbot Interventions for Multi-Device Applications

Published: 22 June 2024 Publication History


The inherent social characteristics of humans make them prone to adopting distributed and collaborative applications easily. Although fundamental methods and technologies have been defined and developed over the years to construct these applications, their adoption in practice is uncommon because end-users may be puzzled about how to use them without much hassle. Indeed, commonly, these applications require a certain level of technical expertise and awareness to use them correctly. Fortunately, AI-chatbot interventions are envisioned to assist and support various human tasks. In this paper, we contribute pervasive chatbots as a solution that fosters a more transparent and user-friendly interconnection of devices in distributed and collaborative environments. Through two rigorous user studies, firstly, we quantify the perception of users toward distributed and collaborative applications (N = 56 participants). Secondly, we analyze the benefits of adopting pervasive chatbots when compared with the chatbot reference model designed for assistance and recommendations (N = 24 participants). Our results suggest that pervasive chatbots can significantly enhance the practicability of distributed and collaborative applications, reducing the time and effort needed for collaboration with surrounding devices by 57%. With this information, we then provide design and development implications to integrate pervasive chatbot interventions in distributed and collaborative environments. Moreover, challenges and opportunities are also provided to highlight the remaining issues that need to be addressed to realize the full vision of pervasive chatbots for any multi-device application. Our work paves the way towards the proliferation of sophisticated and highly decentralized computing environments that are easily interconnected.


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UMAP '24: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
June 2024
338 pages
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Published: 22 June 2024

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  1. Decentralized infrastructures
  2. collaborative computing
  3. distributed computing
  4. opportunistic networks


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