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Optimal Transport Enhanced Cross-City Site Recommendation

Published: 11 July 2024 Publication History


Site recommendation, which aims at predicting the optimal location for brands to open new branches, has demonstrated an important role in assisting decision-making in modern business. In contrast to traditional recommender systems that can benefit from extensive information, site recommendation starkly suffers from extremely limited information and thus leads to unsatisfactory performance. Therefore, existing site recommendation methods primarily focus on several specific name brands and heavily rely on fine-grained human-crafted features to avoid the data sparsity problem. However, such solutions are not able to fulfill the demand for rapid development in modern business. Therefore, we aim to alleviate the data sparsity problem by effectively utilizing data across multiple cities and thereby propose a novel Optimal Transport enhanced Cross-city (OTC) framework for site recommendation. Specifically, OTC leverages optimal transport (OT) on the learned embeddings of brands and regions separately to project the brands and regions from the source city to the target city. Then, the projected embeddings of brands and regions are utilized to obtain the inference recommendation in the target city. By integrating the original recommendation and the inference recommendations from multiple cities, OTC is able to achieve enhanced recommendation results. The experimental results on the real-world OpenSiteRec dataset, encompassing thousands of brands and regions across four metropolises, demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed OTC in further improving the performance of site recommendation models.


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SIGIR '24: Proceedings of the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
July 2024
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  1. cross-domain recommendation
  2. optimal transport
  3. site recommendation


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