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SJFuzz: Seed and Mutator Scheduling for JVM Fuzzing

Published: 30 November 2023 Publication History


While the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) plays a vital role in ensuring correct executions of Java applications, testing JVMs via generating and running class files on them can be rather challenging. The existing techniques, e.g., ClassFuzz and Classming, attempt to leverage the power of fuzzing and differential testing to cope with JVM intricacies by exposing discrepant execution results among different JVMs, i.e., inter-JVM discrepancies, for testing analytics. However, their adopted fuzzers are insufficiently guided since they include no well-designed seed and mutator scheduling mechanisms, leading to inefficient differential testing. To address such issues, in this paper, we propose SJFuzz, the first JVM fuzzing framework with seed and mutator scheduling mechanisms for automated JVM differential testing. Overall, SJFuzz aims to mutate class files via control flow mutators to facilitate the exposure of inter-JVM discrepancies. To this end, SJFuzz schedules seeds (class files) for mutations based on the discrepancy and diversity guidance. SJFuzz also schedules mutators for diversifying class file generation. To evaluate SJFuzz, we conduct an extensive study on multiple representative real-world JVMs, and the experimental results show that SJFuzz significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art mutation-based and generation-based JVM fuzzers in terms of the inter-JVM discrepancy exposure and the class file diversity. Moreover, SJFuzz successfully reported 46 potential JVM issues, and 20 of them have been confirmed as bugs and 16 have been fixed by the JVM developers.

Supplementary Material

Video (fse23main-p296-p-video.mp4)
"Automation testing is widely used in the functional testing of web applications. However, during the evolution of web applications, such web test scripts tend to break. It is essential to repair such broken test scripts to make regression testing run successfully. As manual repairing is time-consuming and expensive, researchers focus on automatic repairing techniques. Empirical study shows that the web element locator is the leading cause of web test breakages. Most existing repair techniques utilize Document Object Model attributes or visual appearances of elements to find their location but neglect their semantic information. This paper proposes a novel semantic repair technique called textbf{Sem}antic textbf{Te}st textbf{R}epair (Semter) for web test repair. Our approach captures relevant semantic information from test executions on the application’s basic version and locates target elements by calculating semantic similarity between elements to repair tests. Our approach can also repair test workflow due to web page additions or deletions by a local exploration in the updated version. We evaluated the efficacy of our technique on six real-world web applications compared with three baselines. Experimental results show that Semter achieves an 84% average repair ratio within an acceptable time cost, significantly outperforming the state-of-the-art web test repair techniques."


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ESEC/FSE 2023: Proceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
November 2023
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Published: 30 November 2023


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