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Understanding Autistic Adults' Use of Social Media

Published: 04 October 2023 Publication History


Autism is a developmental condition that impacts 1 in 100 people \citeNationalAutisticSociety2021. It affects autistic people's interactional and sensory preferences and behaviours. Autistic people can find interactions difficult in part due to sensory overwhelm. Interacting online can provide a positive alternative that allows for interactions on their own terms. However, most social media platforms are designed by neurotypical standards and can therefore inhibit full participation by autistic users. We demonstrate through the analysis of 34 semi-structured interviews with autistic adults that current social media design is not sufficient for creating an inclusive environment and enabling participation from autistic adults. We identified six themes across the interviews: (1) 'Social Media compared to In-Person Interactions', (2) 'Social Media as Enabling/Overwhelming', (3) 'Perceived Social Norms', (4) 'Keeping Connected and Finding New Communities', (5) 'Keeping Control through Systematic Practices', and (6) 'Being Authentic'. The themes demonstrate the attention that autistic adults give to online interaction, suggesting that online interactions may be just as fraught as in-person interactions have been shown to be. In order to become more inclusive of autistic adults, we recommend that social media platforms expand low-effort participation features, provide increased control over algorithmic content, support expression of intent and tone, aid discovery of interactional norms, and reinforce interest-based sociality.


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Cited By

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  • (2025)Instatherapy: A Content Analysis of Psychotherapists' Instagram Posts and User EngagementCounselling and Psychotherapy Research10.1002/capr.1287725:1Online publication date: 2-Feb-2025
  • (2024)Stigma Management Strategies of Autistic Social Media UsersAutism in Adulthood10.1089/aut.2023.0095Online publication date: 9-Apr-2024



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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 7, Issue CSCW2
October 2023
4055 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 04 October 2023
Published in PACMHCI Volume 7, Issue CSCW2

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  1. autism
  2. inclusive design
  3. interviews
  4. participatory research
  5. qualitative research


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  • (2025)Instatherapy: A Content Analysis of Psychotherapists' Instagram Posts and User EngagementCounselling and Psychotherapy Research10.1002/capr.1287725:1Online publication date: 2-Feb-2025
  • (2024)Stigma Management Strategies of Autistic Social Media UsersAutism in Adulthood10.1089/aut.2023.0095Online publication date: 9-Apr-2024

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