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Comparing the Effects of Visual, Haptic, and Visuohaptic Encoding on Memory Retention of Digital Objects in Virtual Reality

Published: 13 October 2024 Publication History


Although Virtual Reality (VR) has undoubtedly improved human interaction with 3D data, users still face difficulties retaining important details of complex digital objects in preparation for physical tasks. To address this issue, we evaluated the potential of visuohaptic integration to improve the memorability of virtual objects in immersive visualizations. In a user study (N=20), participants performed a delayed match-to-sample task where they memorized stimuli of visual, haptic, or visuohaptic encoding conditions. We assessed performance differences between these encoding modalities through error rates and response times. We found that visuohaptic encoding significantly improved memorization accuracy compared to unimodal visual and haptic conditions. Our analysis indicates that integrating haptics into immersive visualizations enhances the memorability of digital objects. We discuss its implications for the optimal encoding design in VR applications that assist professionals who need to memorize and recall virtual objects in their daily work.

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  • (2024)Assessing the Effects of Sensory Modality Conditions on Object Retention across Virtual Reality and Projected Surface Display EnvironmentsProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction10.1145/36981378:ISS(255-282)Online publication date: 24-Oct-2024

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  1. Comparing the Effects of Visual, Haptic, and Visuohaptic Encoding on Memory Retention of Digital Objects in Virtual Reality



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    • (2024)Assessing the Effects of Sensory Modality Conditions on Object Retention across Virtual Reality and Projected Surface Display EnvironmentsProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction10.1145/36981378:ISS(255-282)Online publication date: 24-Oct-2024

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