Sorting Pauses in Speech Based Dialog Systems: Effects Of Knowing Whether Pauses in Speech are Mid-Turn or at The End Of the Turn
Index Terms
- Sorting Pauses in Speech Based Dialog Systems: Effects Of Knowing Whether Pauses in Speech are Mid-Turn or at The End Of the Turn
Modeling filled pauses for spontaneous speech recognition applications
AEE'08: Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Application of Electrical EngineeringThis paper is focused on acoustic modeling for spontaneous speech recognition applications. This topic is still a very challenging task for speech technology research community. The attributes of spontaneous speech can heavily degrade speech recognizer'...
Slovenian spontaneous speech recognition and acoustic modeling of filled pauses and onomatopoeas
This paper is focused on acoustic modeling for spontaneous speech recognition. This topic is still a very challenging task for speech technology research community. The attributes of spontaneous speech can heavily degrade speech recognizer's accuracy ...
Turn-yielding cues in task-oriented dialogue
SIGDIAL '09: Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2009 Conference: The 10th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and DialogueWe examine a number of objective, automatically computable TURN-YIELDING CUES --- distinct prosodic, acoustic and syntactic events in a speaker's speech that tend to precede a smooth turn exchange --- in the Columbia Games Corpus, a large corpus of task-...
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- General Chairs:
- Rosta Farzan,
- Claudia López,
- Program Chairs:
- Daniel Cardoso Llach,
- Daniele Quercia,
- Maryam Mustafa,
- Shuo Niu,
- Marisol Wong-Villacrés
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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