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Efficient and Accurate PageRank Approximation on Large Graphs

Published: 30 September 2024 Publication History


PageRank is a commonly used measurement in a wide range of applications, including search engines, recommendation systems, and social networks. However, this measurement suffers from huge computational overhead, which cannot be scaled to large graphs. Although many approximate algorithms have been proposed for computing PageRank values, these algorithms are either (i) not efficient or (ii) not accurate. Worse still, some of them cannot provide estimated PageRank values for all the vertices. In this paper, we first propose the CUR-Trans algorithm, which can reduce the time complexity for computing PageRank values and has lower error bound than existing matrix approximation-based PageRank algorithms. Then, we develop the T 2-Approx algorithm to further reduce the time complexity for computing this measurement. Experiment results on three large-scale graphs show that both the CUR-Trans algorithm and the T 2-Approx algorithm achieve the lowest response time for computing PageRank values with the best accuracy (for the CUR-Trans algorithm) or the competitive accuracy (for the T 2-Approx algorithm). Besides, the two proposed algorithms are able to provide estimated PageRank values for all the vertices.


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  1. Efficient and Accurate PageRank Approximation on Large Graphs



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      Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data  Volume 2, Issue 4
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