HierCGRA: A Novel Framework for Large-scale CGRA with Hierarchical Modeling and Automated Design Space Exploration
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- HierCGRA: A Novel Framework for Large-scale CGRA with Hierarchical Modeling and Automated Design Space Exploration
Architecture Exploration of Standard-Cell and FPGA-Overlay CGRAs Using the Open-Source CGRA-ME Framework
ISPD '18: Proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Physical DesignWe describe an open-source software framework,CGRA-ME, for the modeling and exploration of coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (CGRAs). CGRAs are programmable hardware devices having large ALU-like logic blocks, and datapath bus-style inter-...
Hardware-accelerated design space exploration framework for communication systems
The efficient hardware implementation of signal processing algorithms requires a rigid characterization of the interdependencies between system parameters and hardware costs. Pure software simulation of bit-true implementations of algorithms with high ...
Design space exploration in multi-level computing systems
CompSysTech '14: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Systems and TechnologiesThe paper is dedicated to the design space exploration for Xilinx devices from Zynq-7000 family with such architecture that includes a dual-core processing system and a programmable logic on the same microchip. The developed multi-level computing system ...
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Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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