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Apples, Oranges, and Software Engineering: Study Selection Challenges for Secondary Research on Latent Variables

Published: 09 August 2024 Publication History


Software engineering (SE) is full of abstract concepts that are crucial for both researchers and practitioners, such as programming experience, team productivity, code comprehension, and system security. Secondary studies aimed at summarizing research on the influences and consequences of such concepts would therefore be of great value.
However, the inability to measure abstract concepts directly poses a challenge for secondary studies: primary studies in SE can operationalize such concepts in many ways. Standardized measurement instruments are rarely available, and even if they are, many researchers do not use them or do not even provide a definition for the studied concept. SE researchers conducting secondary studies therefore have to decide a) which primary studies intended to measure the same construct, and b) how to compare and aggregate vastly different measurements for the same construct.
In this experience report, we discuss the challenge of study selection in SE secondary research on latent variables. We report on two instances where we found it particularly challenging to decide which primary studies should be included for comparison and synthesis, so as not to end up comparing apples with oranges. Our report aims to spark a conversation about developing strategies to address this issue systematically and pave the way for more efficient and rigorous secondary studies in software engineering.


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  1. Apples, Oranges, and Software Engineering: Study Selection Challenges for Secondary Research on Latent Variables



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    WSESE '24: Proceedings of the 1st IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Methodological Issues with Empirical Studies in Software Engineering
    April 2024
    87 pages
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    • Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 09 August 2024

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