Fabric Pressure Sensors for Fine-Grained Interaction Detection in Plush Toys
ASD Children’s APP Emotional Interaction Design Based on Smart Toys of Internet of Things
Autism is a disorder caused by nerve developmental disorders in childhood. Autism is a serious and widespread developmental disorder, with social disorders, speech development disorders, and poor language communication skills as typical symptoms, ...
Softy: An Interactive Kit to Revitalize the Plush Toys of Children
HRI '24: Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot InteractionChildren across the globe experience the phenomenon of quickly losing interest in their toys, leading to the accumulation and wasteful disposal of toys. After conducting research and considering the characteristics of toys along with their potential use ...
Research on Selection Differences Between Parent and Child on Toys
Cross-Cultural Design. Methods, Tools, and UsersAbstractAs the living standard is significantly improved due to economic development, more and more parents have reached the consensus on giving children happy childhood. Toys have become an important growth partner for children nowadays. Can the children ...
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Association for Computing Machinery
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