ES0 | 18 components, 29 connectors | .NET Microservices Reference Application realizing an e-shop, with multiple clients and UIs, Backends-for-Frontends gateways, event-driven communication, GRPC and RESTful communication, and ELK monitoring. Source: |
ES1 | 18 components, 37 connectors | Variant of ES0 that adds encrypted browser access, HTTPS for links to identity service/ELK, authentication with API keys for ID service, SSL-/token-based authentication to DBs, ELK services and event bus links, token-based authorization on grpc links, plaintext authorization over secure links to ELK, encrypted authorization on other links, identity service not authorized, ELK monitors for services but 1 service/1 BFF, and additional direct links to identity/catalog services. |
ES2 | 18 components, 35 connectors | Variant of ES0 that adds encrypted browser access, HTTPS for links to identity service/ELK, encrypted grpc service links, authentication with SSL authentication for ID service, DBs, ELK services and event bus links, token-based authorization on all grpc links, plaintext authorization over secure links to ELK, encrypted authorization on other links, ELK monitors for all services but 1 service/1 BFF, and direct links to identity service. |
OB0 | 13 components, 25 connectors | Online Boutique application that servers a sample application for the Google Could Platform using GRPC communication, stackdriver based monitoring and tracing, a frontend service, and a cart database. Source: |
OB1 | 13 components, 23 connectors | Variant of OB0 that adds encrypted database connections, connections to frontend with HTTPS, all links authenticated with plaintext, all links from gateways, to gcp stackdriver, and databases securely authorized, all links from checkout plaintext authorized, recommendation service links not authorized, 4 services directly accessible (rest behind frontend service), one service and the frontend not monitored, and 3 services contain sensitive data in their code. |
OB2 | 13 components, 30 connectors | Variant of OB0 that adds encrypted client access, encrypted database connections, secure SSL authentication on all links, all links from gateways securely authorized, all links from checkout and recommendation services, and to gcp stackdriver and databases plaintext authorized, all services directly accessible and via frontend service, 2 services not monitored, and cart service contains sensitive data. |
PM0 | 16 components, 37 connectors | Piggy Metrics, a microservice system for demonstrating collecting application metrics in a microservice architecture using a Zuul API Gateway, OAuth2, Sleuth tracing, Histrix monitoring, a Eureka registry, and various per-service DBs. Source: |
PM1 | 18 components, 40 connectors | Variant of PM0 that adds additional an HTTPS client, oauth2 connections encrypted, no authentication used, all links not authenticated in PM0 now authenticated with SSL authentication, all links authorized with plaintext authorization (but most not secure connections), HTTPS client communication via a frontend facade, and service client via ZUUL gateway, additional backend HTTPS connections, and statistics service not traced or monitored. |
PM2 | 17 components, 34 connectors | Variant of PM0 that adds encrypted connections, authentication with secure means except for one plaintext authentication, authorization with plaintext information (and use secure connections), the account service and oauth connected via a frontend service facade (not the Zuul gateway), and the statistics and notification services not traced or monitored. |
RS0 | 19 components, 30 connectors | Robot Shop, an application for demonstration Instana technology in highly polyglot microservice environment with services in different languages, different per-service DBs, various communication protocols, Instana tracing, and an NGINX API Gateway. Source: |
RS1 | 19 components, 32 connectors | Variant of RS0 that adds inter-service communication with HTTPS, authentication with API keys on gateway-service and inter-service communication, secure communication everywhere else with secure communication tokens, Rest client can bypass gateway to access catalogue, Cart service contains sensitive data in the code, and Ratings service additional connected to Instana (traced). |
RS2 | 19 components, 34 connectors | Variant of RS0 that adds HTTPS communication, authentication with API keys on gateway-service, SSL-based authentication on inter-service communication, secure communication everywhere else with secure communication tokens/SSL, ratings and catalog services directly accessed by UIs and clients, shipping and ratings services additional connected to Instana (traced), and cart, catalogue, ratings, payment, and shipping services contain sensitive data in their code. |
TE0 | 17 components, 26 connectors | Tap-And-Eat application based on microservices using direct UI connection of various services, with per-service DBs, Hystrix monitoring, an Eureka discovery service, and a configuration service. Source: |
TE1 | 17 components, 28 connectors | Variant of TE0 that adds encrypted communication with Hystrix, some plaintext based authentication on path from client to services, some plaintext authentication between services, secure plaintext for authentication at discovery service, authorization with plaintext information everywhere, and two more services are monitored. |
TE2 | 17 components, 30 connectors | Variant of TE0 that adds encrypted communication with Hystrix, HTTPS-based browser access, some plaintext-based authentication on path from client to services, plaintext based authentication between services, secure authentication token used for authentication at config service, authorization with plaintext information everywhere except some inter-service encrypted authorization, two services are access from UIs without authorization, and all services but one monitored. |