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Novel View Synthesis of Human Interactions from Sparse Multi-view Videos

Published: 24 July 2022 Publication History


This paper presents a novel system for generating free-viewpoint videos of multiple human performers from very sparse RGB cameras. The system reconstructs a layered neural representation of the dynamic multi-person scene from multi-view videos with each layer representing a moving instance or static background. Unlike previous work that requires instance segmentation as input, a novel approach is proposed to decompose the multi-person scene into layers and reconstruct neural representations for each layer in a weakly-supervised manner, yielding both high-quality novel view rendering and accurate instance masks. Camera synchronization error is also addressed in the proposed approach. The experiments demonstrate the better view synthesis quality of the proposed system compared to previous ones and the capability of producing an editable free-viewpoint video of a real soccer game using several asynchronous GoPro cameras. The dataset and code are available at https://github.com/zju3dv/EasyMocap .


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