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Cloud-Native Transactions and Analytics in SingleStore

Published: 11 June 2022 Publication History


The last decade has seen a remarkable rise in specialized database systems. Systems for transaction processing, data warehousing, time series analysis, full-text search, data lakes, in-memory caching, document storage, queuing, graph processing, and geo-replicated operational workloads are now available to developers. A belief has taken hold that a single general-purpose database is not capable of running varied workloads at a reasonable cost with strong performance, at the level of scale and concurrency people demand today. There is value in specialization, but the complexity and cost of using multiple specialized systems in a single application environment is becoming apparent. This realization is driving developers and IT decision makers to seek databases capable of powering a broader set of use cases when looking to adopt a new database. Hybrid transaction and analytical (HTAP) databases have been developed to try to tame some of this chaos.
In this paper we introduce SinglestoreDB (S2DB), formerly called MemSQL, a distributed general-purpose SQL database designed to have the versatility to run both operational and analytical workloads with good performance. It was one of the earliest distributed HTAP databases on the market. It can scale out to efficiently utilize 100s of hosts, 1000s of cores and 10s of TBs of RAM while still providing a user experience similar to a single-host SQL database such as Oracle or SQL Server. S2DB's unified table storage runs both transactional and analytical workloads efficiently with operations like fast scans, seeks, filters, aggregations, and updates. This is accomplished through a combination of rowstore, columnstore and vectorization techniques, ability to seek efficiently into a columnstore using secondary indexes, and using in-memory rowstore buffers for recently modified data. It avoids design simplifications (i.e., only supporting batch loading, or limiting the query surface area to particular patterns of queries) that sacrifice the ability to run a broad set of workloads.
Today, after 10 years of development, S2DB runs demanding production workloads for some of the world's largest financial, telecom, high-tech, and energy companies. These customers drove the product towards a database capable of running a breadth of workloads across their organizations, often replacing two or three different databases with S2DB. The design of S2DB's storage, transaction processing, and query processing were developed to maintain this versatility.


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    cover image ACM Conferences
    SIGMOD '22: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Management of Data
    June 2022
    2597 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 11 June 2022

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