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Counterpoint: Representing Forged Concepts as Emergent Variables Using Composite-Based Structural Equation Modeling

Published: 28 December 2021 Publication History


Studying and modeling theoretical concepts is a cornerstone activity in information systems (IS) research. Researchers have been familiar with one type of theoretical concept, namely behavioral concepts, which are assumed to exist in nature and measured by a set of observable variables. In this paper, we present a second type of theoretical concept, namely forged concepts, which are designed and assumed to emerge within their environment. While behavioral concepts are classically operationalized as latent variables, forged concepts are better specified as emergent variables. Additionally, we propose composite-based structural equation modeling (SEM) as a subtype of SEM that is eminently suitable to analyze models containing emergent variables. We shed light on the composite-based SEM steps: model specification, model identification, model estimation, and model assessment. Then, we present an illustrative example from the domain of IS research to demonstrate these four steps and show how modeling with emergent variables proceeds.


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      cover image ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems
      ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems  Volume 52, Issue SI
      December 2021
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      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Publication History

      Published: 28 December 2021
      Published in SIGMIS Volume 52, Issue SI

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      1. behavioral concept
      2. composite model
      3. composite-based structural equation modeling
      4. emergent variables
      5. forged concept


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