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Where's the Data? Finding and Reusing Datasets in Computing Education

Published: 24 September 2024 Publication History


Computing education research (CER) is a rapidly advancing discipline, offering vast potential for data-driven, secondary research or replication studies. Although gathering and analyzing data for research seem straightforward, making research data publicly available to the community remains a challenge. Likewise, finding and reusing high-quality, prominent, and well-documented research data proves to be a daunting task. In this working group paper, the authors present their search for available datasets in the CER context (e.g., in databases and repositories). The available datasets are further analyzed using a newly developed metadata scheme and presented to the community as a resource. The second component of this work is a summary of the community's perspective and concerns on publishing their research data, which has been gathered through a survey among 52 computing education researchers. Based on this status quo, this report presents recommendations for measures and future steps for the community to become more accessible and establish open data practices. We thus emphasize the potential of making research data available to enhance productivity, transparency, and reproducibility in the CER community.


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CompEd 2023: Working Group Reports on 2023 ACM Conference on Global Computing Education
September 2024
37 pages
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Published: 24 September 2024

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  1. computing education
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  3. educational data mining
  4. open data
  5. open science
  6. programming process data
  7. reusing data
  8. secondary research


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  • National Science Foundation of the United States
  • HEADT Centre
  • Female Promotion of the Computer Science Department of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


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