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Patient Clustering via Integrated Profiling of Clinical and Digital Data

Published: 21 October 2023 Publication History


We introduce a novel profile-based patient clustering model designed for healthcare clinical data. By utilizing a method grounded on constrained low-rank approximation, our model takes advantage of patients' clinical data and digital interaction data, including browsing and search, to construct patient profiles. As a result of the method, nonnegative embedding vectors are generated, serving as a low-dimensional representation of the patients. Our model was assessed using real-world patient data from a healthcare web portal, with a comprehensive evaluation approach which considered clustering and recommendation capabilities. In comparison to other baselines, our approach demonstrated superior performance in terms of clustering coherence and recommendation accuracy.


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CIKM '23: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
October 2023
5508 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 21 October 2023

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  1. clustering
  2. healthcare
  3. nonnegative matrix factorization
  4. patient profiling
  5. recommendation systems


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