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Grisette: Symbolic Compilation as a Functional Programming Library

Published: 11 January 2023 Publication History


The development of constraint solvers simplified automated reasoning about programs and shifted the engineering burden to implementing symbolic compilation tools that translate programs into efficiently solvable constraints. We describe Grisette, a reusable symbolic evaluation framework for implementing domain-specific symbolic compilers. Grisette evaluates all execution paths and merges their states into a normal form that avoids making guards mutually exclusive. This ordered-guards representation reduces the constraint size 5-fold and the solving time more than 2-fold. Grisette is designed entirely as a library, which sidesteps the complications of lifting the host language into the symbolic domain. Grisette is purely functional, enabling memoization of symbolic compilation as well as monadic integration with host libraries. Grisette is statically typed, which allows catching programming errors at compile time rather than delaying their detection to the constraint solver. We implemented Grisette in Haskell and evaluated it on benchmarks that stress both the symbolic evaluation and constraint solving.


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Published: 11 January 2023
Published in PACMPL Volume 7, Issue POPL


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