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BlastNet: Exploiting Duo-Blocks for Cross-Processor Real-Time DNN Inference

Published: 24 January 2023 Publication History


In recent years, Deep Neural Network (DNN) has been increasingly adopted by a wide range of time-critical applications running on edge platforms with heterogeneous multiprocessors. To meet the stringent timing requirements of these applications, heterogeneous CPU and GPU resources must be efficiently utilized for the inference of multiple DNN models. Such a cross-processor real-time DNN inference paradigm poses major challenges due to the inherent performance imbalance among different processors and the lack of real-time support for cross-processor inference from existing deep learning frameworks. In this work, we propose a new system named BlastNet that exploits duo-block - a new model inference abstraction to support highly efficient cross-processor real-time DNN inference. Each duo-block has a dual model structure, enabling efficient fine-grained inference alternatively across different processors. BlastNet employs a novel block-level Neural Architecture Search (NAS) technique to generate duo-blocks, which accounts for computing characteristics and communication overhead. The duo-blocks are optimized at design time and then dynamically scheduled to achieve high resource utilization of heterogeneous CPU and GPU at runtime. BlastNet is implemented on an indoor autonomous driving platform and three popular edge platforms. Extensive results show that BlastNet achieves 35.07 % less deadline missing rate with a mere 1.63% of model accuracy loss.


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SenSys '22: Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
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Published: 24 January 2023


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  1. CPU-GPU heterogeneous platform
  2. edge artificial intelligence
  3. multi-DNN concurrent execution
  4. neural architecture search
  5. on-device deep learning
  6. real-time scheduling


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