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A computational interpretation of compact closed categories: reversible programming with negative and fractional types

Published: 04 January 2021 Publication History


Compact closed categories include objects representing higher-order functions and are well-established as models of linear logic, concurrency, and quantum computing. We show that it is possible to construct such compact closed categories for conventional sum and product types by defining a dual to sum types, a negative type, and a dual to product types, a fractional type. Inspired by the categorical semantics, we define a sound operational semantics for negative and fractional types in which a negative type represents a computational effect that ``reverses execution flow'' and a fractional type represents a computational effect that ``garbage collects'' particular values or throws exceptions.
Specifically, we extend a first-order reversible language of type isomorphisms with negative and fractional types, specify an operational semantics for each extension, and prove that each extension forms a compact closed category. We furthermore show that both operational semantics can be merged using the standard combination of backtracking and exceptions resulting in a smooth interoperability of negative and fractional types. We illustrate the expressiveness of this combination by writing a reversible SAT solver that uses backtracking search along freshly allocated and de-allocated locations. The operational semantics, most of its meta-theoretic properties, and all examples are formalized in a supplementary Agda package.


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  1. A computational interpretation of compact closed categories: reversible programming with negative and fractional types



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        cover image Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages
        Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages  Volume 5, Issue POPL
        January 2021
        1789 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

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        Published: 04 January 2021
        Published in PACMPL Volume 5, Issue POPL


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        1. Abstract Machines
        2. Duality of Computation
        3. Higher-Order Reversible Programming
        4. Termination Proofs
        5. Type Isomorphisms


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