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10.1145/3426745.3431334acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesconextConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Huffman Coding Based Encoding Techniques for Fast Distributed Deep Learning

Published: 01 December 2020 Publication History


Distributed stochastic algorithms, equipped with gradient compression techniques, such as codebook quantization, are becoming increasingly popular and considered state-of-the-art in training large deep neural network (DNN) models. However, communicating the quantized gradients in a network requires efficient encoding techniques. For this, practitioners generally use Elias encoding-based techniques without considering their computational overhead or data-volume. In this paper, based on Huffman coding, we propose several lossless encoding techniques that exploit different characteristics of the quantized gradients during distributed DNN training. Then, we show their effectiveness on 5 different DNN models across three different data-sets, and compare them with classic state-of-the-art Elias-based encoding techniques. Our results show that the proposed Huffman-based encoders (i.e., RLH, SH, and SHS) can reduce the encoded data-volume by up to 5.1×, 4.32×, and 3.8×, respectively, compared to the Elias-based encoders.

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Communicating the quantized gradients in a network requires efficient encoding techniques. For this, practitioners generally use Elias encoding-based techniques without considering their computational overhead or data-volume. In our work, based on Huffman coding, we propose several lossless encoding techniques that exploit different characteristics of the quantized gradients during distributed DNN training. We also show their effectiveness on 5 different DNN models across three different data-sets and compare them with classic state-of-the-art Elias-based encoding techniques. Our results show that the proposed Huffman-based encoders (i.e., RLH, SH, and SHS) can reduce the encoded data-volume by up to 5.1×,4.32×, and 3.8×, respectively, compared to the Elias-based encoders. In this presentation, we provide an overview of our work.


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DistributedML'20: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Distributed Machine Learning
December 2020
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 01 December 2020


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  1. Distributed training
  2. Elias and Run-length Encoding
  3. Gradient compression
  4. Huffman coding
  5. Quantization


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