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Light-In-Light-Out (Li-Lo) Displays: Harvesting and Manipulating Light to Provide Novel Forms of Communication

Published: 28 April 2022 Publication History


Many of us daily encounter shadow and reflected light patterns alongside macro-level changes in ambient light levels. These are caused by elements—opaque objects, glass, mirrors, even clouds—in our environment interfacing with sunlight or artificial indoor lighting. Inspired by these phenomena, we explored ways of creating digitally-supported displays that use light, shade and reflection for output and harness the energy they need to operate from the sun or indoor ambient light. Through a set of design workshops we developed exemplar devices: SolarPix, ShadMo and GlowBoard. We detail their function and implementation, as well as evidencing their technical viability. The designs were informed by material understandings from the Global North and Global South and demonstrated in a cross-cultural workshop run in parallel in India and South Africa where community co-designers reflected on their uses and value given lived experience of their communication practices and unreliable energy networks.

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  1. Light-In-Light-Out (Li-Lo) Displays: Harvesting and Manipulating Light to Provide Novel Forms of Communication



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      Published: 28 April 2022

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      • (2024)Evaluating ActuAir: Building Occupants' Experiences of a Shape-Changing Air Quality DisplayProceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/3613904.3642396(1-21)Online publication date: 11-May-2024

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