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Calmbots: Exploring Possibilities of Multiple Insects with On-hand Devices and Flexible Controls as Creation Interfaces

Published: 28 April 2022 Publication History


We introduce ”Calmbots” that are insects-based interfaces comprising multiple functions, i.e., drawing, display, transportation, or haptics. We explore possibilities of multiple insects as co-creation interfaces making artworks through insects indirectly, in contrast with BioArt where artworks are made by biological technology. Considering scalability, sustainability, or promotability of applying insects-based devices on creation activities in daily life situations, we utilize on-hand and efficient control system by AR markers and radio-based station, and propose efficient ways of controlling multiple insects reaching goals and transporting objects, and customize flexible option parts. In robust experimental trials, our results showed effective control on a group of three or five cockroaches with at-least 60% reaching accuracy, mobility on carpeted or cable-lines floor, and possible continuous control under certain time duration. Participants in a user study felt positive with Calmbots’ functions and expected more performance or appearance on activities or creation in daily life.

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CHI EA '22: Extended Abstracts of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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Published: 28 April 2022

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