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Constant-Round Spanners and Shortest Paths in Congested Clique and MPC

Published: 23 July 2021 Publication History


In this work we present the first constant-round algorithms for computing spanners and approximate All-Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP) in the distributed CONGESTED CLIQUE model. Specifically, we show the following results for undirected n-node graphs. ulFor every integer k ≥ 1, O(1)-round algorithms for constructing O(k)-spanners with O(n1+1/k) edges in unweighted graphs, and O(k)-spanners with O(n1+1/k log n) edges in weighted graphs. An O(1)-round algorithm for O(log n)-approximation for APSP in unweighted graphs. An O(1)-round algorithm for O(log2n)-approximation for APSP in weighted graphs. All our algorithms are randomized and succeed with high probability. Prior to our work, the fastest algorithms for computing O(k)-spanners in this model require poly(log k) rounds [Parter, Yogev, DISC '18] [Biswas et al., SPAA '21], and the fastest algorithms for approximate shortest paths require poly(log log n) rounds [Dory, Parter, PODC '20]. Our results extend to the closely related massively parallel computation (MPC) model with near-linear memory per machine, leading to the first O(1)-round algorithms for spanners and approximate shortest paths in this model as well.

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PODC'21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
July 2021
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 23 July 2021


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  1. congested clique
  2. massively parallel computation
  3. shortest paths
  4. spanners


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  • European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program
  • Swiss National Foundation
  • Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)


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