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Psychophysiological Modeling of Trust In Technology: Influence of Feature Selection Methods

Published: 29 May 2021 Publication History


Trust as a precursor for users' acceptance of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies that operate as a conceptual extension of humans (e.g., autonomous vehicles (AVs)) is highly influenced by users' risk perception amongst other factors. Prior studies that investigated the interplay between risk and trust perception recommended the development of real-time tools for monitoring cognitive states (e.g., trust). The primary objective of this study was to investigate a feature selection method that yields feature sets that can help develop a highly optimized and stable ensemble trust classifier model. The secondary objective of this study was to investigate how varying levels of risk perception influence users' trust and overall reliance on technology. A within-subject four-condition experiment was implemented with an AV driving game. This experiment involved 25 participants, and their electroencephalogram, electrodermal activity, and facial electromyogram psychophysiological signals were acquired. We applied wrapper, filter, and hybrid feature selection methods on the 82 features extracted from the psychophysiological signals. We trained and tested five voting-based ensemble trust classifier models using training and testing datasets containing only the features identified by the feature selection methods. The results indicate the superiority of the hybrid feature selection method over other methods in terms of model performance. In addition, the self-reported trust measurement and overall reliance of participants on the technology (AV) measured with joystick movements throughout the game reveals that a reduction in risk results in an increase in trust and overall reliance on technology.


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    Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 5, Issue EICS
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    1. autonomous vehicle
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    4. psychophysiology
    5. trust


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