Lightweight prediction based big/little design for efficient neural network inference
Big/little deep neural network for ultra low power inference
CODES '15: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System SynthesisDeep neural networks (DNNs) have recently proved their effectiveness in complex data analyses such as object/speech recognition. As their applications are being expanded to mobile devices, their energy efficiencies are becoming critical. In this paper, ...
Multiresolution FIR neural-network-based learning algorithm applied to network traffic prediction
In this paper, a multiresolution finite-impulse-response (FIR) neural-network-based learning algorithm using the maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT) is proposed. The multiresolution learning algorithm employs the analysis framework of ...
Sunspot series prediction using a Multiscale Recurrent Neural Network
ISSPIT '10: Proceedings of the The 10th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information TechnologyA prediction scheme for sunspot series using a Multiscale Bilinear Recurrent Neural Network (M-BRNN) is proposed in this paper. The recurrent neural network adopted in this scheme is the Bilinear recurrent neural network. The M-BRNN is a combination of ...
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Published In
- General Chairs:
- Songqing Chen,
- Ryokichi Onishi,
- Program Chairs:
- Ganesh Ananthanarayanan,
- Qun Li
- IEEE-CS\DATC: IEEE Computer Society
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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