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10.1145/3307630.3342407acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessplcConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Exploring the Variability of Interconnected Product Families with Relational Concept Analysis

Published: 09 September 2019 Publication History


Among the various directions that SPLE promotes, extractive adoption of complex product lines is especially valuable, provided that appropriate approaches are made available. Complex variability can be encoded in different ways, including the feature model (FM) formalism extended with multivalued attributes, UML-like cardinalities, and references connecting separate FMs. In this paper, we address the extraction of variability relationships depicting connections between systems from separate families. Because Formal Concept Analysis provides suitable knowledge structures to represent the variability of a given system family, we explore the relevance of Relational Concept Analysis, an FCA extension to take into account relationships between different families, to tackle this issue. We investigate a method to extract variability information from descriptions representing several inter-connected product families. It aims to be used to assist the design of inter-connected FMs, and to provide recommendations during product selection.


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  • (2022)Extending Boolean Variability Relationship Extraction to Multi-valued Software DescriptionsHandbook of Re-Engineering Software Intensive Systems into Software Product Lines10.1007/978-3-031-11686-5_6(143-173)Online publication date: 23-Nov-2022
  • (2021)Exploring Variability of Visual Accessibility Options in Operating SystemsFuture Internet10.3390/fi1309023013:9(230)Online publication date: 4-Sep-2021



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SPLC '19: Proceedings of the 23rd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Volume B
September 2019
252 pages
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Published: 09 September 2019


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  1. complex software product line
  2. relational concept analysis
  3. reverse engineering
  4. variability extraction


  • Research-article


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  • (2025)Aristotle's square for mining fuzzy conceptsFuzzy Sets and Systems10.1016/j.fss.2025.109323(109323)Online publication date: Feb-2025
  • (2022)Extending Boolean Variability Relationship Extraction to Multi-valued Software DescriptionsHandbook of Re-Engineering Software Intensive Systems into Software Product Lines10.1007/978-3-031-11686-5_6(143-173)Online publication date: 23-Nov-2022
  • (2021)Exploring Variability of Visual Accessibility Options in Operating SystemsFuture Internet10.3390/fi1309023013:9(230)Online publication date: 4-Sep-2021

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