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View all- Ding JLi Z(2024)A Polynomial Time Iterative Algorithm for Matching Gaussian Matrices with Non-vanishing CorrelationFoundations of Computational Mathematics10.1007/s10208-024-09662-xOnline publication date: 22-Jul-2024
We determine information theoretic conditions under which it is possible to partially recover the alignment used to generate a pair of sparse, correlated Erdos-Renyi graphs. To prove our achievability result, we introduce the k-core alignment estimator. ...
We determine information theoretic conditions under which it is possible to partially recover the alignment used to generate a pair of sparse, correlated Erdős-Rényi graphs. To prove our achievability result, we introduce the k-core alignment estimator. ...
Graph alignment in two correlated random graphs refers to the task of identifying the correspondence between vertex sets of the graphs. Recent results have characterized the exact informationtheoretic threshold for graph alignment in correlated Erdős-...
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