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Crosspower: Bridging Graphics and Linguistics

Published: 20 October 2020 Publication History


Despite the ubiquity of direct manipulation techniques available in computer-aided design applications, creating digital content remains a tedious and indirect task. This is because applications require users to perform numerous low-level editing operations rather than allowing them to directly indicate high-level design goals. Yet, the creation of graphic content, such as videos, animations, and presentations often begins with a description of design goals in natural language, such as screenplays, scripts, outlines. Therefore, there is an opportunity for language-oriented authoring, i.e., leveraging the information found in the structure of a language to facilitate the creation of graphic content. We present a systematic exploration of the identification, graphic description, and interaction with various linguistic structures to assist in the creation of visual content. The prototype system, Crosspower, and its proposed interaction techniques, enables content creators to indicate and customize their desired visual content in a flexible and direct manner.

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UIST '20: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
October 2020
1297 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 20 October 2020


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