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Diverse Datasets and a Customizable Benchmarking Framework for Phishing

Published: 16 March 2020 Publication History


Phishing is a challenging problem that has been addressed by many researchers in several papers using many different datatsets and techniques~\citedas2019sok. Researchers usually test their proposed methods with limited metrics, datasets, and parameters when presenting new features or approach(es). Hence, the need arises for a benchmarking framework and dataset to evaluate such systems as comprehensively as possible. In this paper, we discuss: (i) our efforts on the creation and dissemination of diverse and representative datasets for phishing email, website and URL detection, and (ii) PhishBench, our framework for benchmarking phishing detection systems. PhishBench allows researchers to evaluate and compare features and classification approaches easily and efficiently on the provided data.


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IWSPA '20: Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Security and Privacy Analytics
March 2020
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Published: 16 March 2020


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  1. automatic framework
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