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10.1145/3372297.3417257acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesccsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Lies in the Air: Characterizing Fake-base-station Spam Ecosystem in China

Published: 02 November 2020 Publication History


Fake base station (FBS) has been exploited by criminals to attack mobile users by spamming fraudulent messages for over a decade. Despite that prior work has proposed several techniques to mitigate this issue, FBS spam is still a long-standing challenging issue in some countries, such as China, and causes billions of dollars of financial loss every year. Therefore, understanding and exploring the thematic strategies in the FBS spam ecosystem at a large scale would improve the defense mechanisms.
In this paper, we present the first large-scale characterization of FBS spam ecosystem by collecting three-month real-world FBS detection results. First, at "macro-level'', we uncover the characteristics of FBS spammers, including their business categories, temporal patterns and spatial patterns. Second, at "micro-level'', we investigate how FBS ecosystem is organized and how fraudulent messages are constructed by campaigns to trap users and evade detection. Collectively, the results expand our understanding of the FBS spam ecosystem and provide new insights into improved mitigation mechanisms for the security community.

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CCS '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security
October 2020
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Published: 02 November 2020


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