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10.1145/3210377.3210383acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesspaaConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Distributed Domination on Graph Classes of Bounded Expansion

Published: 11 July 2018 Publication History


\noindent We provide a new constant factor approximation algorithm for the (connected) \mboxdistance- r dominating set problem on graph classes of bounded expansion. Classes of bounded expansion include many familiar classes of sparse graphs such as planar graphs and graphs with excluded (topological) minors, and notably, these classes form the most general subgraph closed classes of graphs for which a sequential constant factor approximation algorithm for the distance- r dominating set problem is currently known. Our algorithm can be implemented in the \congestbc model of distributed computing and uses $Øof(r^2 łog n)$ communication rounds. % Our techniques, which may be of independent interest, are based on a distributed computation of sparse neighborhood covers of small radius on bounded expansion classes. We show how to compute an r -neighborhood cover of radius~$2r$ and overlap $f(r)$ on every class of bounded expansion in $Øof(r^2łog n)$ communication rounds for some function~ f .% in the \congestbc model. % Finally, we show how to use the greater power of the łocal model to turn any distance- r dominating set into a constantly larger connected distance- r dominating set in $3r+1$ rounds on any class of bounded expansion. Combining this algorithm, e.g., with the constant factor approximation algorithm for dominating sets on planar graphs of Lenzen et al.\ gives a constant factor approximation algorithm for connected dominating sets on planar graphs in a constant number of rounds in the łocal model, where the approximation ratio is only $6$ times larger than that of Lenzen et al.'s algorithm.


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SPAA '18: Proceedings of the 30th on Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 11 July 2018


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  1. approximation
  2. bounded expansion
  3. distributed computing
  4. dominating set
  5. graph theory


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  • ANR project Stint
  • ERC under European Union's Horizon 2020
  • National Science Centre of Poland POLONEZ
  • MaxPlanck Institute of Informatics
  • European Associated Laboratory ``Structures in Combinatorics'
  • Czech grant ERCCZ


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