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DataSelfie: Empowering People to Design Personalized Visuals to Represent Their Data

Published: 02 May 2019 Publication History


Many personal informatics systems allow people to collect and manage personal data and reflect more deeply about themselves. However, these tools rarely offer ways to customize how the data is visualized. In this work, we investigate the question of how to enable people to determine the representation of their data. We analyzed the Dear Data project to gain insights into the design elements of personal visualizations. We developed DataSelfie, a novel system that allows individuals to gather personal data and design custom visuals to represent the collected data. We conducted a user study to evaluate the usability of the system as well as its potential for individual and collaborative sensemaking of the data.

Supplementary Material

ZIP File (pn8881.zip)
The supplemental materials contain user study materials, participant-generated visual designs, as well as the results of open coding of visual postcards and retrospective texts.
MP4 File (pn8881.mp4)
Supplemental video


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    CHI '19: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 02 May 2019


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    1. data portraits
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    3. personal informatics
    4. personal visualization
    5. self-tracking
    6. visual vocabulary
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