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A membership function for intrusion and anomaly detection of low frequency attacks

Published: 01 October 2018 Publication History

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NOTICE OF CONCERN: ACM has received evidence that casts doubt on the integrity of the peer review process for the DATA 2018 Conference. As a result, ACM is issuing a Notice of Concern for all papers published and strongly suggests that the papers from this Conference not be cited in the literature until ACM's investigation has concluded and final decisions have been made regarding the integrity of the peer review process for this Conference.


The ultimate objective of intrusion detection problem is to identify surprising intrusions that compromise networks. Determining intrusions through the application of classifiers or detection algorithm requires, finding similarity as one of the important operations. This paper brings to the discussion a membership function that can be used for the learning process to attain better accuracies for low-frequency attack classes in the given dataset. Two membership functions are proposed in this work for unsupervised learning. The first one is utilized for prior learning and the second one is utilized for post-learning. The learning process is an un-supervised technique that aims at dimensionality transformation.


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DATA '18: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Data Science, E-learning and Information Systems
October 2018
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Published: 01 October 2018


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