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10.1145/3139258.3139261acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesrtnsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Evaluation of admissible CAN bus load with weak synchronization mechanism

Published: 04 October 2017 Publication History


Scheduling frames with offsets has been shown in the literature to be very beneficial for reducing response times in real-time networks because it allows the workload to be better spread over time and thus to reduce peaks of load. In the specific case of CAN, the response time is mainly related to the priority assignment, but offsets can still improve the achievable bus load. When it exists a global clock, a good offsets assignment leads to a TDMA medium access. When each node have its own local clock the use of offsets still spreads the workload over time.
However, on CAN, global clock is hardly implemented in practice since using a global clock often requires dedicated hardware and complicates the sharing of the bus with non-synchronized nodes.
That is why, we previously introduce the notion of bounded phases, a tradeoff between global and local clocks. Bounded phases allows an affordable synchronization with standard CAN controllers and reduces delays with regard to local clocks. Through an experiment on 5,000 configurations, we have shown that the maximal bus load that can be reached is 80% in the case of bounded phases.


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RTNS '17: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems
October 2017
318 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 04 October 2017


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  1. CAN bus
  2. network calculus
  3. worst-case traversal times


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  • (2023)System Architecture for Real-time Condition Monitoring and Anomaly Detection on Ships2023 22nd International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC)10.1109/ISPDC59212.2023.00019(45-52)Online publication date: Jul-2023
  • (2020)On Time Synchronization Issues in Time-Sensitive Networks with Regulators and Nonideal ClocksProceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems10.1145/33921454:2(1-41)Online publication date: 12-Jun-2020

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