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Alpha du centaur: a prototype environment for the design of parallel regular alorithms

Published: 01 June 1989 Publication History


We describe Alpha du Centaur (ADC), a prototype environment for the design of parallel regular algorithms. In ADC, a program is specified using the Alpha language, using system of parameterized linear recurrence equations. The goal of ADC is to make it possible to transform the initial specifications into a parallel algorithm, that is to say, another system of recurrence equations, in which the time and the space index are separated.
The first section of the paper is devoted to a presentation of the model underlying ADC, i.e., system of recurrence equations. The second section summarizes briefly the knowledge we have on this formalism, and presents some open problems. In the third section, we describe the architecture of ADC, which is based on the CENTAUR environment, and we present an example of utilization of ADC for designing a simple algorithm.


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                          ICS '89: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Supercomputing
                          June 1989
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                          Published: 01 June 1989


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