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View all- Nagasaka K(2021)Approximate square-free part and decompositionJournal of Symbolic Computation10.1016/j.jsc.2020.08.004104(402-418)Online publication date: May-2021
Symbolic numeric algorithms for polynomials are very important, especially for practical computations since we have to operate with empirical polynomials having numerical errors on their coefficients. Recently, for those polynomials, a number of ...
Let L be an algebraic function field in k ≥ 0 parameters t;1;, ..., t;k;. Let f;1;, f;2; be non-zero polynomials in L[x]. We give two algorithms for computing their gcd. The first, a modular GCD algorithm, is an extension of the modular GCD algorithm of ...
For the given pair of univariate polynomials generated by empirical data hence with a priori error on their coefficients, computing their greatest common divisor can be done by several known approximate GCD algorithms that are usually for polynomials ...
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