AMNESIAC: Amnesic Automatic Computer
AMNESIAC: Amnesic Automatic Computer
ASPLOS '17Due to imbalances in technology scaling, the energy consumption of data storage and communication by far exceeds the energy consumption of actual data production, i.e., computation. As a consequence, recomputing data can become more energy efficient ...
AMNESIAC: Amnesic Automatic Computer
ASPLOS '17: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating SystemsDue to imbalances in technology scaling, the energy consumption of data storage and communication by far exceeds the energy consumption of actual data production, i.e., computation. As a consequence, recomputing data can become more energy efficient ...
E-MiLi: energy-minimizing idle listening in wireless networks
MobiCom '11: Proceedings of the 17th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networkingWiFi interface is known to be a primary energy consumer in mobile devices, and idle listening (IL) is the dominant source of energy consumption in WiFi. Most existing protocols, such as the 802.11 power-saving mode (PSM), attempt to reduce the time ...
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Published In

- April 2017856 pagesISBN:9781450344654DOI:10.1145/3037697
- General Chairs:
- Yunji Chen,
- Olivier Temam,
- Program Chair:
- John Carter
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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