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10.1145/3063955.3063993acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesacm-turcConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Preventing "bad" content dispersal in named data networking

Published: 12 May 2017 Publication History


Named Data Networking (NDN) improves the data delivery efficiency by caching contents in routers. To prevent corrupted and faked contents be spread in the network, NDN routers should verify the digital signature of each published content. Since the verification scheme in NDN applies the asymmetric encryption algorithm to sign contents, the speed of content verification is too slow to satisfy the high speed requirement. In this paper, we propose two schemes to improve the verification performance of NDN routers to prevent content poisoning. The first content verification scheme, called "user-assisted", leads to the best performance, but can be by-passed if the clients and the content producer collude. To prevent the aforementioned collusion attack, we improve the user-assisted content verification scheme and propose the second content verification scheme, named "Router-Cooperation", in which the edge routers verify the contents independently without the assistance of users and the core routers no longer verify the contents. The Router-Cooperation verification scheme reduces the computing complexity of cryptographic operation by replacing the asymmetric encryption algorithm with symmetric encryption algorithm. The simulation results demonstrate that this Router-Cooperation scheme can speed up 145.5x (in hardware) and 18.85x (in software) of the original content verification scheme with merely extra transmission overhead.


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ACM TURC '17: Proceedings of the ACM Turing 50th Celebration Conference - China
May 2017
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Published: 12 May 2017


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  1. content verification
  2. encryption algorithm
  3. named data networking
  4. router


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